Chapter 2

“You know,” he said as he leaned on the counter, “I’ve never seen anyone put away as much of this stuff as you do. I mean, I’m flattered and all, but you haven’t gained an ounce, and you’re in here practically every day. You got a secret I need to know about?”

He can’t be flirting with me, can he?“I’ve always had a high metabolism. I got the lucky gene, I guess, where I can eat whatever I want and never gain a pound. At least, for the time being.” I shrugged. “And yeah, your stuff is wicked good. I’d crawl on my knees through the dessert to get one of your pastries.” I actually closed my eyes and took a deep breath, barely stifling an indecorous moan.

When I heard René chuckle, my eyelids popped open. “A true connoisseur, I see. Well, to show my appreciation for your loyalty, let me give you a sample of something I was thinking of introducing later this year. Be right back.”

I watched him hurry through the door leading to his work area and smacked myself on the forehead. Had I just told him I’d crawl on my knees for his food? Geez, my motor mouth was in fine form today. If I could smack the back of my own head, I would. Right now.

Seconds later, René returned, and in his hand was a chunk of something that had multicolored layers—perhaps chocolate and peanut butter? It was wrapped in plastic. He handed it over and said, “This is between you and me, okay? I’m taste testing it with a few friends, but since you seem to be such a fan, I want to get your opinion, too.”

I took it reverently. “I’d be honored, thank you.” I placed the treat in my paper bag. “Okay, so I’m heading over to your new place to do some measurements and planning so I can let you know what the schedule will be regarding completion. Do you want me to stop by this evening or tomorrow to give you a rundown?”

“Stop by my house tonight. I have some houseguests for a week or so, but they’re harmless. Maybe a little loud and boisterous, but they’ll leave us alone while we work.” He smiled slightly. “Well, I hope they will. Say, eight o’clock?”

Harmless, boisterous houseguests? Okay…

“Yeah, sure, that’ll be fine.” I backed away. “Thanks again, and you have a good day,” I said before running into the door behind me. I knew I was red all over by the time I actually got out of the shop and into my truck. God, René must think me the most incompetent buffoon, the way I acted around him. Not sexy at all.

* * * *

I had a good idea of what would be needed and the timeframe for the renovation when six-thirty rolled around. I’d finished the food I’d bought from René by one in the afternoon, and had left the mystery treat for last.

As I drove back up the highway for home, I decided to try it out. When I took my first bite, I had to pull over to the side of the road before I caused an accident. My eyes closed of their own volition as I savored the flavors of raspberry, peanut butter, chocolate, and a hint of coconut melt on my tongue. I finished the treat in seconds flat. I licked my fingers. Mother of Pearl, that was delicious. I would be the first in line for these, when they came out. I remained in a state of bliss for a few minutes longer, then got back on the road.

I stopped by the cabin I shared with Woody to clean up before my meeting with René. Would a suit be overkill? I mean, the man’s house was practically a palace compared to most of the other homes in town. It had two stories, and an upper and lower deck. And who were these fricking houseguests? I was overreacting, but I couldn’t help it. My man-crush had invited me to his home and I had nothing to wear. Who knew I was such a fussy diva?

As I stood in front of my closet, a towel around my waist since I was fresh out of the shower, Woody walked into my bedroom. “Tell me you’re not still trying to decide on clothing?”

He sat on the mattress as I tugged out yet another shirt and discarded it on the bed. “I’m being ridiculous, but he says he has people staying over, and they’re probably European and famous and I want to at least fit in a little.”

“Why should it matter?” Woody asked.

Because I always feel like I’m playing catch up. To everyone.