Chapter 11

He leaned across the table and took my hand in his. “Are you happy?”

I smiled. “Much happier than I was in my previous job. I’m doing something I enjoy, and while it might not be glamorous, and I may be covered in dust and paint most of every day, I can live with that. I realized I don’t need recognition. I just need to feel as if I’m making a contribution, helping someone find their joy by giving them their dream house or a new deck or whatever. I have simple needs, you see.”

His gaze was searching. “Can I tell you how sexy that sounds to me?”

“You just did.”

“Can I show you?”

“Be my guest.”

We ended up in the shower, my back to René’s as he slowly jacked me off under the spray using bath gel. I melted against him, his hot body surrounding me, his hand pumping just hard and fast enough to make me yearn to come as soon as possible.

“More, René, please? I need more,” I begged, and he gave me what I wanted.