“It’s more damaging to him that you keep refusing to respect his decision—”
“Her decision? She’s fifteen years old and has a mental disorder, Maggie! For God’s sake, if she said she felt like a cat, would you buy her a collar and a bell?”
The Merc came to a stop at the end of the driveway and Jude slid the window down, grinning from under a pair of ridiculously huge sunglasses. “That the Audi, then?”
“Yeah. S’my dad’s.”
“Get in,” Jude said, jerking a thumb at the back door. “And my dad’s car is nicer than your dad’s car.”
Anton couldn’t find it in himself to laugh, sliding into the back seat gratefully. Jude’s father grunted what might have been a hello, or a request to take his shoes off in this stupidly clean car, and Anton dropped Mum a quick text of going 2 play football with jude. tell dad to piss off :( before sitting back.
“You okay?”
“Not really.”