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Chapter 30

“Seeing as how the health and safety executive has decided that making you play football in today’s rain is unhealthy rather than amusing, and seeing as how this group has as much energy and diplomacy as a pack of rabid hyena pups, today we’re going to split you in half and play dodgeball.” She promptly had to raise her voice over the cheer. “You may as well get some fun and exercise out of it, but if we could refrain from breaking each other’s’ glasses, noses, and fingers, that would be wonderful. And I don’t care who’s stolen whose boyfriend this week, but I want no revenge played out in my lesson. Save it for some other teacher. And girls, I want you to participate properly this week. Throwing something at a man’s face is an excellent way to get his attention or tell him he’s got no chance, so I expect you to crack on.”

Anton suddenly didn’t like the look in Emma’s eye.