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Chapter 32

“He is in. Him and Walsh are rigging Will’s locker,” Larimer said helpfully. He was lounging back in his chair, grinning a sort of stoned-looking grin, and Anton swallowed. Slowly, he inched to perch on Walsh’s abandoned table.

“So you and Jude are dating?” Emma pressed.

“Um, yeah,” Anton mumbled, feeling his face starting to heat up.

“That’s good!” Emma insisted, and squeezed his arm. “What’re you embarrassed for?”

“I’d be embarrassed if I fancied Kalinowski, too,” Larimer said genially, and ducked her hand. “Jesus, leave me alone!”

“Then stop being a dick!” she shouted, then turned that big smile on Anton again. The switch was kind of scary. “I mean, he was all scatty at home so I figured something was up, and he had this weird conversation with me the other night about maybe being bisexual—” Anton’s stomach tightened unpleasantly. “—but I kind of ignored him, you know how weird he is sometimes. But this is good! When did it start? You asked him, right, I mean—”