Even if Jude did accidentally grope him, this…this felt like it would be worth it.
Anton felt, even if it was just temporary, better. 22
Anton didn’t see Jude outside of school again for a few days—apparently Jude had broken one of his stepmum’s favourite ornaments and was more grounded than an aeroplane without an engine—and had been toying with the idea of skipping out on Dad’s visitation day on Sunday and going to the kick-about to catch up on that lost time. Then on Sunday morning, Jude texted with a cba with football, 2 cold, want 2 go see a film or sumthing? x and the decision was made.
“Mum!” Anton yelled, firing off a quick ok come over? just getting ready x.“Where’s my combat jeans?”
They’d been his favourites before, but now Anton had learned that with the packer, they not only made him feel like ninety-nine percent male and confident about it, but Jude was even more into them, too.