There was a tiny opening in the bandages over Hunter’s mouth just big enough for him to get fluid inside him. Hunter took careful sips through the straw from the glass of water that Evan held for him and nodded his thanks when he had had enough. Hunter thought for a moment before he started writing in the notebook again.
I can’t tell you how happy I was when I found out about you. You reminded me so much of Kevin.
Evan read the note. “I…I don’t know what to say, Hunter.”
Hunter looked at Evan then he took the notebook from him. Are you gay?He wrote.
Evan read it and he blushed a little. “Yes,” he said.
Hunter added, Are you with someone? Jay?
Evan laughed out loud when he read that. “Jay? Oh no. He’s as straight as can be. He’s my best friend, though, and he loves me like a brother. And no, I’m not with anyone right now.”
Hunter felt like he could die of happiness. I like you, Evan, and I want to know more about you. And please, this has nothing to do with Kevin.