Except, of course, there won’t be any pretty boys asking me to dance tonight. Or for anything else, come to that.
I can’t help it, all right? I don’t mean to do it, but it’s like my eyes have a homing instinct or something. Not that I mean to say where they end up looking is, well, home, but you know what I…Fuck it. I look over at Josh, okay?
He’s looking straight at me, and when I meet his eyes, I can’t look away. Missiles locked. Target about to be destroyed. Or something.
Grey-haired bloody granddad’s got an arm around Josh’s waist, but Josh gently disengages it, says something in his ear and then walks over to me.
He’s got a kind of grace when he walks. Big blokes like me, we sort of lumber, like we’ve only just learned to walk on our hind legs—waste of bloody time in my case, as it turned out. Malcy, he’s got this fake little wiggle, like he wishes he was wearing high heels. But Josh…he’s like a dancer, light on his feet without even trying.