
Chapter 1

“Seeley?” the feminine voice barely registered. “Are you listening to me, Seeley?”

Seeley Frain leaned casually against his Audi sedan, his left hand in the pocket of his black slacks. A few moments before he’d pulled up at the curb outside of a house currently getting a heavy-duty makeover. As he drew the key from the ignition his phone went off and he considered letting it go to voicemail, but he knew ignoring his sister during one of her hormonal pregnant unburdenings, usually about her husband, would only lead to an angry call later. So he picked up, slipping out of the car and walking around the front.

The conversation took its usual route starting with pleasantries and a quick report about their parents’ current trip through Scotland. Then it segued into the topic of his upcoming nieces or nephews, his sister steadfast in her desire to wait until the twins were born to find out their sex. She was droning on about cribs. Eighties music pumped out of a radio joined by the banging of a hammer, a curse drawing his focus to the figure on the porch roof.

And that was the point he stopped paying attention to his beloved baby sister. Chase Washburn’s ass looked exceptionally wonderful—no, strike that, it was downright delectable—in his faded blue jeans, tool belt slung low around his hips, the sleeves of his white and gray plaid shirt pushed up to his elbows. Something stirred in Seeley, perhaps the best word for the way he felt was swooning, and he wound up with his back to the sedan in order to keep his feet under him.

How quickly all talk of babies was forgotten, his mind filling with images of Chase that would have made a naughty housewife blush. Chase, the muscular contractor sweaty, wearing nothing more than his tool belt and yellow hardhat. Unaware he was doing it, Seeley loosened his tie and licked his lips.

“Seeley!” she screeched, her voice finally slicing through his provocative thoughts.

He cleared his throat. “Sorry, sis, what were you saying?”

“Never mind, clearly whatever you’re doing is far more important,” she sighed. “Did I call at a bad time?”

“Not in the least.”

She laughed. “Honestly, brother, dear, judging by the tone of your voice, some hot body has caught your attention.”

Seeley felt his heartbeat quicken, all desire for Chase draining from his body. One of these days he would have to find the courage to tell his sister, his parents that his girlfriends were make believe. The last one he’d conjured up from a magazine article. There was no fear of rejection, only one of his mom desperate to set her son up with the perfect man. she meant well, but he could already see the chaos and the awkward first dates.

Besides, he had found his man. it was just a matter of convincing Chase.

Assuming Chase liked to bed men.

And his mind was off running again.

A heavy sigh punctuated his newest fantasy right before it got good. “How about we talk tonight since you have other things,” the way she said that made his stomach clench, “on your mind.”

Understandably Seeley felt like a schmuck. His sister was possibly a month away from being bedridden until the wee ones popped out and here he was not even decent enough to give her his undivided attention. “I have a better idea. Lunch, tomorrow, my treat.”

“Are you trying to bribe me?”

Seeley chuckled, Chase’s hold on him broken, at least temporarily. “I’m not entirely sure bribe is the right word. I take it you’ll join me?”

“I’m pregnant and you just offered me the equivalent of free food. You had better pick somewhere good.”

“Only the best for you,” he promised. They finished up the rest of the call and he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

Seeley tightened his tie, ever the professional, and turned his focus back to the job at hand. He started up the walkway, gaze playing over the exterior of the house. A few weeks before it had looked very much like the abandoned foreclosed property it had been. There were shingles missing. Someone had busted at least three of the windows. The roof above the porch sagged in a way that suggested one good strong breeze would take it down. The siding was in desperate need of replacing and someone needed to tangle with the overgrown jungle that once used to be called a yard. And that was just the outside.

Upon seeing the inside Chase had merely shaken his head, clearly biting back the fact he thought Seeley was crazy; it was written clearly on his face. But as much as he grumbled Seeley could also tell the wheels were turning, plans were starting to take shape, and he knew this house would be a successful flip like the previous properties they’d rescued. He was a master at the real estate business and Chase was now officially the only contractor he trusted to get the renovations done. The man had skill.