Chapter 11

Even if it meant breaking his own heart.

The first tear slipped free and it wasn’t long before others joined. 5

Cinder stewed, slouched down in the office chair with his hands clasped firmly in front of his chin, pointer fingers aiming toward the ceiling. A scowl etched deep lines temporarily across his face. The whole night had been a bust, a huge failure, in his book. It left a bad taste in his mouth, one that would surely take a while to clear.

How did it all manage to start out wonderfully and wind up here, he wondered?

It broke his heart, every time he thought of Io sitting downstairs in one of the cells erected there decades ago. A miniscule part of Cinder worried about Ran’imy and whatever actions she felt justified to take, including driving Io from his home. As alpha he could easily stop it, but what would the others think? That he’d gone soft and now was a perfect time to question his leadership and strength.