Crazy is as crazy does, he always told himself.
He only slept on the left side of the bed. He washed his hair twice when showering. He refused to wear red, despising the color. Sometimes he couldn’t make up his mind which side of the bread he should spread peanut butter on while making a sandwich. He only watched shows on nature and various shopping networks. All of those idiosyncrasies felt normal compared to seeing and hearing the brother warlocks.
The warlocks whispered Zeth’s name. They laughed. They chided Josh, which he really didn’t mind.
Zeth. Zeth. Zeth.
The warlocks chanted to him in Latin: Septiesque robustiorem in nomine Jesu, suscipe maiore pugnabat et angeli e caelo, et pariter conglobati circumdabunt nos protegat.
He translated the message in English, using his cellphone: Seven times stronger in the name of Jesus, I welcome the major warring angels from heaven to surround us and protect you.