Chapter 4

When the meeting finally adjourned, Ford started to leave with the others. Before doing so, however, he paused at the doorway, turned, and gave me a final look. “Hey, Grabby, call my assistant and set up an appointment for later today so we can get started on the Brighton Breeze transfer.”

Both the nickname and the accompanying directive rankled. Of all the fucking nerve. The son of a bitch thought he could throw his weight around? Could dole out commands? Could treat me like a flunky instead of his equal? Oh, how I’d love to force him to his knees, stuff my solid eight inches between those smirking lips, and teach him who had seniority around here.

I’ll show yougrabby!

I gave him a sharp salute and clicked the heels of my loafers together. “Yes, General. Whatever you say, General.”

“Oh, sorry,” he said with an aura of false sincerity. “If you have time, that is.”

“Yeah, I have time, especially when it comes to our clients.”