Chapter 19

What the fuck was going on? Was Walt actually aware of Ford’s boyfriend woes? And if so, why would he tolerate the situation, not to mention ask me to overlook it?

For what felt like ages, I stood in perplexed silence, the scent of coffee drifting into my nostrils along with the faint, buttery scent of microwave popcorn that seemed to forever linger in the room. Unfortunately, neither aromas provided answers to my questions or stemmed my rising anger. 8

When I returned to my office with coffee warming my stomach and half a mug of the rich-brown liquid still in my hand, I discovered that Mallory had left her workstation. Thank God, I thought, since I didn’t want to go another round with her regarding my attraction to Ford. I took a moment and stared at my closed door, then knocked before poking my head inside the office. To my relief, Ford had ended the phone call and was now sitting at the corner table, his head lowered in deep thought.