Chapter 22

“The ‘my-shit-doesn’t-stink’ attitude. It’s been subdued these past few days.”

“Sounds like you’re glad about that, huh?”

“‘Glad’ is way too trifling a word. ‘Ecstatic’ is more appropriate.”

“I didn’t realize I was coming off as so obnoxious or arrogant—”

“I’ll bet.”

“—Or that I was getting under your skin.”

Man, did he hit the nail on the head. “Don’t flatter yourself, pal,” I blurted, beating the heat rushing into my cheeks. “And as to the matter of whether you realized the attitude or not, don’t bullshit me. You’ve made obnoxious behavior and arrogance a fine art, and you know it. It must have taken you years to perfect it. I guess what I don’t understand, is why.”

“Why what?”

“Why you feel the need to put up a false front, donning the mask of a conceited, standoffish superstar, a game-player who’s impervious to the feelings of others and has no actual emotions himself. Only recently have I caught a glimpse of what I suspect is the realyou. What gives?”