Chapter 27

“So,” he said, “why no boyfriend?”

I shrugged. “No one who’s interested me lately.” Until you came along and consumed my thoughts, damn it…

“That can’t be the only reason. From what I’ve seen, you’re sociable, intelligent, funny, and you’ve got yourself a decent job. Now, combining all of that with your attractive package, that makes you, as many people might say, a prime catch.”

“Many people might say that, huh? And what would yousay?”

Both the dusting of scarlet in his cheeks and a full, bright smile conveyed the answer. And there it was again, finally—the spark in the black pupils of his eyes that quickly blossomed into another lustful blaze.

My entire body thrummed with energy, while lascivious images flickered through my head, an X-rated Kama Sutra of possibilities for us to explore.