I flipped him over onto his back, using gravity to aid me in bathing his quivering shaft in the warm, copious essence. My tongue swirled around and around his crown. He bucked and wiggled beneath me, but I firmly held him against the mattress and continued to drain the cum from him. Only after he settled down, released a lengthy sigh of gratification, did I guzzle his load before licking him clean.
I released his softening dick from my mouth, then straddled his waist. I yanked him up to a sitting position, then kissed him, my tongue making certain he received a generous sampling of his tangy discharge before I tugged his T-shirt up and over his head.
He fell back onto the mattress, clamped his hands on my pecs, and presented me with a smile lazy with afterglow. “Fuck, I needed that. I’ve been imagining you doing that to me for the past few days.”