I took a deep breath and swallowed hard, attempting to squelch the fresh and vigorous notions of another sort bombarding my brain. No, I silently reprimanded myself, now was not the time to indulge in thosetypes of fantasies. Those deepest, most private fantasies that even my three roommates knew nothing about and…
But aren’t those very fantasies the reason you showed up here in the first place?
Damn that inner voice!
I took another breath. “Th-thank you for the compliment,” I said. No, alter that—I croaked. I hated that my voice made me sound like a teen suffering through puberty instead of a virile, twenty-one-year-old man. I cleared my throat and shifted the topic off of myself. “How do youknow Novak?”
“Everyone in this town knows him, or knows ofhim, anyway. He is our most famous artist. Our only local celebrity, if you will. People come from hither and yon to seek an appointment with him, begging for a portrait sitting.”