Chapter 19

As if reading Jacob’s mind, Jasper said, “We should see it any moment now.”

There was a column of smoke over some low growing trees, which, as they approached, Jacob could see were citrus trees, some with lemons growing on them and some with oranges. Then the house came into view—long, white, and thatched like the buildings in Sydney Town. There was another building of equal length opposite, with a pair of large, wooden doors in the front half and two stable doors further along the same wall, near the rear. As they arrived at the gravelled area between the two buildings, a man wearing a dark, well-worn jacket and cap appeared through one of the stable doors.

“Good afternoon, sir,” said the man, doffing his cap.

“Good afternoon, Samuel,” replied Jasper, bringing the horse around so the buggy was parallel to the building. “This is Jacob. He’s to be my new manservant.”

Samuel doffed his cap at Jacob, though there was no accompanying smile.