Chapter 22

“I’ll leave you in Polly’s capable hands,” said Jasper before promptly turning on his heels and leaving.

Polly wiped her hands on her apron. “First things first. I’d best show where everything’s kept.”

The afternoon was an exhausting exercise in how to clean carpets, wash floors, polish furniture, and polish silverware. There was a potion for this job and a potion for that, and Jacob found his concentration lapsing at times. Polly, on the other hand, seemed to have boundless energy. And she was older!

“I can help you out if need be,” she offered. “The master takes great pride in his house and his possessions. Best to ask me if you’re not sure about something. We don’t want you ruining something because you’ve used the wrong bottle.”

Jacob nodded, though his attention was beginning to wane. Evening was falling and the rooms were filling with shadows. There was a chill in the air and Jacob couldn’t stop yawning.