Chapter 31

“Spotless,” Jasper had dictated. “Not a speck of dust, not a book out of place. The whole house is to be spotless.”

Jacob worked like a tornado—washing, dusting, and polishing till his hands were sore and stinking from various potions and concoctions. After a hurried lunch, which he had to throw together himself—“I’m up to my elbows in fruit mince,” said Polly, “Get it yourself. And leave those pies alone,”—he went into the gardens to cut some flowers for the dining table. He was no artist, but he managed to put together an arrangement that was pleasing to the eye.

He set twelve places at the table, taking great care to ensure everything was just so, the way Jasper expected it to be. He polished the candelabras and set them on the table, leaving space for the flowers, and after he’d finished, he went and got Jasper from his study so he could approve the work.