Chapter 39

Paddy was the new stable hand, a stocky, good-natured man from County Cork in Ireland. It wasn’t surprising he and Polly got on like a house on fire and spent hours in the evenings talking about the old country. Jacob initially felt twinges of jealousy. For while Jasper might have been his master and lover, Polly had been his best friend and ally. It didn’t take long for him to realise what a simpleton he was being. Polly had more than enough love and laughter to go around.

“Since we have a new governor, I think the colony will become a much better place,” said Jasper at breakfast one morning. “I also have some news I think you’ll like.”

Jacob, who hadn’t only recommenced sharing the master’s bed, but also his table, swallowed a mouthful of toast. “News? From my family?”

Jasper’s smile faltered. “No, not from your family. Your sentence expires in three months and I’ve decided to apply to the governor for your Certificate of Freedom when next I’m in Parramatta.”