Chapter 47

“I have another letter here,” he said. “I hope this will go part of the way towards earning your forgiveness.”

Jacob furrowed his brow. He got up from the armchair and took the letter from Jasper. The writing on it was childish, much like his own. The ink stamp said ‘England’.

He opened the letter and read.

Deer Jacob,

This is Jack. Thank yoo for yor letter. All the way from Austraylya. Mam says hello and says thank yoo for yor letter. Yoo askd how she was feeling. She is feeling better. Anie is ded and Mam says she is with the anjels. But evrywun else is good. I am werking now. I am erning muney. Mam says I am the man of the howse. We miss yoo.

Love Mam and Jack and Bertie and Tomas and Horatio.

Tears spotted the page, blurring some of the words. He held the page away from him, not wanting to stain the page any more than it already had been.

Someone, Jasper, put his arms around Jacob and held him as he sobbed.

“I’m getting your jacket all wet,” sniffed Jacob.