Chapter 53

“Remember, Peter’s coming today,” he said, pulling open the curtains at the bedroom window

“I’m not likely to forget,” Jasper replied. “Are you still taking him for a picnic?”

“I said I would,” said Jacob. “I’ll come back in a while for the breakfast tray.”

He returned to the kitchen.

“Polly, I haven’t told Jasper this, but I’m going to talk to Peter today about going to live with him.”

“I thought you and the master had resolved your differences.”

“We have. But I think it’s best if I leave so the master can begin to heal what needs to be healed.” He inhaled deeply, trying to keep his emotions under control. It was difficult to think about saying goodbye to Polly. “Besides,” he continued, more cheerfully, “Mister Prewitt mightn’t allow it. What does he want with another mouth to feed? There mightn’t be room for me, either. Anyway, Peter should be getting his Certificate of Freedom any day so it might be best to stay where I am.” He sighed. “This is why I have to talk to Peter.”