Chapter 5

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Your Turn Now

As a bridge to the next on flash fiction, pick a favorite 55er from one of your exercises in this section and expand it to a 100-word summary or outline. Don’t worry if you go over the word limit or if the outline feels incomplete and sketchy. No one will ever see it. Think of this exercise as a blueprint for something much longer, a three-minute trailer to a two-hour movie.

Here are some ideas to think about as you write your summary:

If your 55er suggests an overall theme, go with it.

Add events to your summary that reflect this theme and help move the story forward.

Envision your story in three acts with a beginning, middle, and end. Where are these divisions?

Flesh out your main character(s).

Add detail to the setting. 2: Flash Fiction

Like all fiction that matters, their success depends not

on their length, but on their depth, their clarity of vision,

their human significance.

—James Thomas