Chapter 17

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Close Your Eyes and Think of Englandby Paul Alan Fahey

A Flash Play


Dr. Ugo, 60, a psychiatrist. Odd and eccentric.

Mrs. Roosevelt, late forties, a new patient.

Miss Lansing, in her fifties, Dr. Ugo’s secretary.


Present day. Doctor’s office. A desk and chair center stage. A comfortable chair for the patient. Framed diplomas hang from folding room dividers both sides of desk. Dr. Ugo faces audience. Mrs. Roosevelt sits stage right. Miss Lansing (Lights dark) sits at a small desk with computer stage right. She types quietly.

Lights Up.

(Dr. Ugo shuffles the papers on his desk, then with an elaborate flourish sweeps them onto the floor.)

Dr. Ugo (Serious and professional): I’m sure I can help you, Miss…

Mrs. Roosevelt: Roosevelt. And it’s Mrs.

Dr. Ugo (Almost a whisper): Ah, yes.

Mrs. Roosevelt (Leans closer to hear him): I’m just not happy. If I could be anyone else, I would.

Dr. Ugo (Takes off his bifocals): I know exactly how you feel.