If you’ve got a copy of The World’s Shortest Stories, you’ll know what we mean.
Surprise endings are often found in 55 Fiction, but they’re not a prerequisite for success. They probably turn up a lot because they’re easy to work with and because many writers instinctively aim for the impact of a twist at the end. H. H. Munro had similar instincts in his finely crafted mini-stories. So did Rod Serling and Alfred Hitchcock in their famous half-hour TV programs. Pretty good storytellers to emulate.
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The Rules
A few other important points to keep in mind:
You can write about anything you like, but you can’t use more than 55 words. Yes, you can use fewer if you’d like to, but we don’t know why anyone would…don’t short change yourself even more than we already have. And what, exactly, is a word? Simple. If it’s in the dictionary, it’s a word.