Chapter 23

“You made a good decision to take off rather than fight it out. Sometimes a man has to change course.”

“That what you’re doing?” he asked.

“Guess I am. When I saw you go, I had to follow. You know how I feel about you, Frank.”

“You just showed me.”

“Sorry for knocking you around, but you get my blood up something awful and it doesn’t always come out the right way.” I reached for his cock. “But sometimes it does,” I added, starting to work him.

He squirmed but didn’t resist, and when I took him into my mouth, he began to get stiff. I was having a good suck when he pushed me off.

“Let me fuck you,” he said. “That’s all I want right now.”

I did not argue. I stood and removed gun belt, pants, and drawers because I wanted nothing restraining my lower half. He did likewise, and there we were, two half-naked men about to do the deed in the wild.