The echo of his thoughts turned Daniel cold. Maybe Richard read minds or referred to Daniel’s love life rather than their predicament. Unlikely, but unnerving, still the thought made him mad.
Daniel refused to move. He let his head thump down on the sand. “Do I need to remind you we wouldn’t be in this situation if you—”
“No!” Richard swung the pack on his back and for the first time met Daniel’s stare. “No, you don’t. I got us into this and I willget us out. You lying there pouting in accusation won’t achieve anything.”
Right and wrong warred within, but Daniel couldn’t drop the subject. “Who the hell is stupid enough not to check the weather forecast? Not only that but to run out of fuel?” The sailboat possessed a backup motor but, according to Richard, they couldn’t use that either.
“I told you. Miscommunication. I thought—”