
Chapter 8

Time to put on a show, then.

Richard swept droplets from his skin with his hands, knowing Daniel’s gaze would follow where he touched, letting time spin out, in no rush. When he next looked to Daniel’s face the man appeared unwell, which in other circumstances might have seemed less than romantic. For Richard the reaction was priceless. He imagined so many of the questions and scenarios flitting through Daniel’s mind, so many of them far from the truth. Emotions…Daniel had to feel plenty of those: uncertainty, desire, disbelief, fear. Likely more negative sentiments than positive but they all served Richard well. Linking his hands behind his head and with elbows out, Richard stood gazing off to one side while still keeping Daniel in his peripheral vision. He pretended indifference, letting Daniel lookuntil the man’s features twisted.

“Too used to getting your bloody own way, you are.”