Chapter 16

Afraid to cause even more harm, Jase made Katie wait until Orr had reached the relative safety beyond the slide zone. At last he could slack the reins. Katie began to inch forward. It felt like she tested each foot before she settled her weight on it. Behind her, Penny shivered as she crept along, her nose nestled against the older mule’s flank. Although once or twice a few rocks rolled, the whole mass did not begin to move again. Jase thanked every power he could name as the safety of stable ground grew closer. Ten steps, five, and then they were there.

Orr had crawled off to one side of the trail near where the other four mules huddled together, still snorting and fidgeting from their fright. As soon as Jase was sure his mount and Penny stood on solid ground, he dropped the reins to “ground tie” his mule as Orr had done with Maude and scrambled off. Then he ran to the other man’s side.

“Oh my God, are you okay? Hurt? Can I help?”