Chapter 9

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A few hours later, or at least judging by the time on the large grandfather clock in the bedroom, Drake woke in an empty bed.

Stan and Ross’s empty bed.

He ran his hand over his eyes, rubbing sleep from them. He could hear the sound of the shower in the master bath, so he imagined that’s where Ross had gone.

What the fuck was he doing anyway?

He was fucking a guy who’d just barely broken up with his boyfriend. And really, they probably hadn’t broken up, it was just a fight. Once again he was Ross’s rebound fuck and he felt like a piece of shit.

Because that’s what you are.

Every time Ross snapped his fingers, Drake ran to his side like a puppy. What was it about Ross that he just couldn’t seem to let go?

When he’d first met Ross, the man had been sweet and cute, and easily wormed his way into Drake’s heart. Everyone’s really. The stunningly gorgeous, vivacious, clever young man had been very popular. And Drake had fallen hard.