Chapter 18

“You aren’t still hung up on your neighbor, are you?”

“Drake?” He said it like he had any other neighbor he talked constantly about. And well, yeah, he was, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to admit it to Geoff. Not now, anyway.

“Didn’t you tell me he wasn’t interested?”

“I guess that depends on what you mean by interested.”

“Didn’t want to have sex with you.”

Jay felt himself blush. “Well, see, that depends on your definition of sex, I guess.”

Geoff frowned. “What?”

“Yesterday we had sex.”

“Oh, my God!”

“Shush. I don’t want Tammy to hear.” But Jay supposed Geoff would tell Tammy everything anyway. If he had a boyfriend he was as close to as Geoff was to Tammy, Jay would be the same. “A-anyway, not like full-on screwing sex.”

“Then what?”

Jay bit his lip and ducked his head. When would he learn to keep his damn mouth shut? “Well, um, he used his hand on both of us.”

Now Geoff turned red. “Sorry I asked.”

He smiled. “I thought you said I didn’t squick you out.”