* * * *
After Doyle saw Fiona safely to her cozy bedroom, decorated in excess with My Little Pony paraphernalia, he went on to his rooms, farther down the same hallway. He sank into the big chair behind his desk and put his face in his hands. He tried to scrub away the turbulent currents of energy humming through his body. Yes, it was going to be just as hard as he had feared, having the Latino cowboy here. Maybe even harder, as he was right now, simply thinking about the handsome younger man. How in heaven’s name was he going to deal with this?
He did not doubt the other man would be receptive to any move he might make. That wasn’t the problem. What was a problem was where to go from there. One or even a dozen encounters might work, but then what? If they parted on anything but the most positive terms, Fiona would be impacted, and if that happened too soon, Powwow’s training might suffer as well.