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After the game ended everyone was still shocked and terrified at the level of skill that L showed. This skill.. its too.. much the skill that L showed today was unimaginable for 16 straight rounds he got 79 kills by himself.. it was a number that no one thought would be possible to achieve, th- this is amazing. People started sharing the game to social media's Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Everywhere. People started calling him '5 Bullets' a tribute to what he did in today's game, Louc's Popularity was rising so fast that it crashed the social media's, is that even possible...?

"I cant believe this dude got 79 kills... in a single match.. what's more important is the fact that he didn't die once.. amazing!!"

"A- are you guys sure that this dude isn't a pro..?"

"Holy fuck im still getting shivers just by thinking about it."

"How the fuck do you even do that!?"

"5 Bullets.. fuck just thinking about it makes me hard."

Everywhere in the gaming community saw this clip of Louc destroying his opponents. The Teams saw his Skill, the Destructive power that he produces the amazing reflexes, they thought everything about Louc was perfect it was simply terrifying..

KennyS, S1mple, Device, Shroud all of the pro's saw the video.. their minds was at a mental breakdown.. they all had the same thought. 'Where the fuck did this dude come from..?' They were terrfied of Louc's skill but mostly they were excited, they have a new challenge to overcome this fucking monster.

Returning to Louc who was still laughing maniacally in his room, of course he muted his mic after the game was done.. he didn't want people to think he was crazy. But it was too late he was too immersed in the game and people heard his laugh it was indeed "terrifying".

He told Stewie that he was gonna go he wanted to try some stuff out. "Aye have a nice day." Stewie said still shocked but he gathered some thoughts and told Louc to have a nice day.

"Thanks bye Stew you have a nice day as well i'll pray to csgo gods for them to give you good teammates haha."Louc chuckled a little bit telling Stew he'll pray for him, then after that he left the lobby and told chat.

"I gotta go guys i ne-" Interrupting his sentence, there was a knock at the door of his apartment he then said. "Coming!" He got up but he forgot that he.. wasn't wearing any Shirt.. he thought it was too hot in his apartment so he decided to take it off. revealing his muscular body to the audience that was watching him, he didn't know that he took his shirt off because he was too immersed in the game.


In that day hundreds of people had a nosebleed and fucking died.

"h- he is amazing at the fucking game.. and his body is also amazing wtf..?"




"Ayo bro at the top you good?"


Back to Louc he opened the door and he saw a girl outside holding his jollibee that he ordered yesterday..

"wtf? I ordered this yesterday but it came today..?! I was wondering were my food was but it fucking came here in a day. What kind of shitty service is this?!" Louc uttered out loud and was looking at the girl infront of him, the girl infront of him was blushing looking at the man half naked infront of her.. 'wh- what..? why is he naked..? >///<'

"Give me my food, Now scram!" Louc said angrily as he took the food from the girl infront of him and immediatley closed the door on the girl's face.

'A handsome face, a beautiful body.. a commanding attitude.. wh- what else does he have..?' The girl said trying to recollect her thought but was blushing as she kept recalling his body. she ran away to her vehicle and then drove back to the restaurant.

A/N: He has a 20 inch dick.

Going back to Louc he opened the bag of food and started eating it, the [Extreme Concentration] Activated and he was fully focused on the food he was eating he even forgot that he was streaming, He was eating his food at his desk a couple of meters away from the camera, once he finished his food he went to the shower to take a shower he was sweaty asf so he wanted to lighten up/Cool down in the bathroom, Once again his [Extreme Concntration] activated and was again unaware of his surrounding he was completely focused on taking a shower. Once he was done with that he then went outside with a towel under his ding dong then went to his wardrobe/Closet to choose the clothes he was going to wear. he wanted to wear something good today because he gave birth to the legend "5 Bullets" he then wore a plaint white t-shirt and black shorts it was a pretty good style in his opinion, then when he was about to sleep, he noticed his computer.. the stream was still on.. "Oh fuck h- hey guys i forgot that the stream was still.." Louc said nervously as he tries to end the stream as fast as he could.

"Hahaha even if God L is amazing at the game and is handsome his still human, i was beginning to think he was some sort of robot designed to do everything perfect but thank god his still human. After all no one's perfect."

"I love you L-sama~!!"

"I love you too." Louc said to the comment making the commenter blush.




Suddenly with just the 3 words our God L said, he immediatley caused an uproar in the chat.. he didn't mean to.. "Okay okay i Love you all now Papa is gonna sleep, goodnight my children you guys go to sleep as well." P- PAPA!?

"Roger that, i shall now commit myself to sleeping."

"Yes papa i'll sleep aswell."

then Louc caused 100k+ people to sleep at the same time.. wtf..


Author's note: Double upload today because.. why not..? now have a nice day peeps go to sleep Papa Louc said so.

:3 I was high this chapter forgive me if there were any errors.