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"That garen was f*cking cracked." Tyler said towards the cam.

Chat: "LMAO no your just bad."

"No its true look at this sh*t." Tyler said pointing towards his screen, he was watching the match replay of the last game.


"How can someone have so much vision, and mechanics of the game.?" Tyler expressed.

"dude! No skill shots even hit him! Not even once!" Tyler yelled.

Chat: "yes he is, he is a csgo god, now a LoL god."

"Csgo.? Does he play Csgo?" Tyler asked.

One of the people in the chat said.

"Yes he is a csgo god, we dont know how to explain it so just look at it for yourself." Said by yourmom.

"How do i look at it, i mean *snort* how do i know where to find this dude i dont even know how." Tyler expressed.

Chat: "Just search Lucifer, and you'll find a bunch of clips, or just search Lucifer on twitich, you'll be able to find his twitch channel there."

Tyler then began typing in Louc's twitch channel.

"Oh sh*t his live, his playing League." Tyler uttered.

Chat: "Play duo's with him."



"You know you guys are like a bunch of kids lmao." Tyler jokingly stated.

"Alright, alright i'll try and get in contact with him."

Tyler went back to league, and sent a friend request to Louc's account.

Meanwhile at Louc, a notification popped up, it waa tyler's friend request.

'What does this guy want..?' Louc thought.

'meh why not.' he pressed accept, and Tyler immediatley invited him to a lobby, and sent a discord link.

"huh, should i accept?" Louc said outloud.

Chat: "YES ACCEPT IT" The chat spammed, it seems like they were on stimulants.


"Hello?" Tyler said.

"Hi." Louc said.

"Do you wanna be friends?" Tyler spoke


Chat: "Huh"

Chat: "..."


Short chap today sorry. I'l be sure to try and make a better quality chapter maybe tomorrow or next week, ty bye.