Weeks nodded to Mrs. Kent, and she continued.
“Oh, sure, there is the adultery issue, but that’s probably more a matter for them to deal with in the divorce court rather than here. It does take two have an affair, and no matter what anyone says, you can’t force someone to do something they don’t want to do over and over again for five years.”
“Tell us more about Reverend Norris’s leadership. You’ve been at the church longer than he has, right?”
“I was baptized in that church, took my first communion, was married, and raised my children there. I don’t ever remember the church being so engaged and growing like it is today. It is all because of Reverend Norris. He is one man, a good man, but to most of us in the congregation, he means the world. He awakened in all of us a desire to learn more about the Bible, how to lead good Christian lives in today’s modern world, and how to manifest Christ’s love for the world into worthwhile ministry projects like the day nursery.”