Chapter 27

What seemed like five seconds later, someone above him cleared their throat. Dazi blearily opened one eye. His first reflex was to stretch all his muscles. However, in doing so, he not only realized he had his arm around Mateo’s waist, but his morning hard-on was pressed against the base of Mateo’s tail. He froze. Kuhma sighed behind him, but Dazi was too scared to move. If he rolled over, his friends would either laugh at him or worry about his reasons for confiding in Mateo. If he stayed there and waited for things to subside, he risked Mateo waking up and having the same reaction.

Gingerly, Dazi slid back and away from Mateo, who barely even twitched. Dazi’s heart pounded madly. He silently begged Mateo to stay asleep, just for a few more moments. In an attempt to mitigate his erection, Dazi closed his eyes and thought of unpleasant things: stubbing his toe, badger musk, fake-skins swarming to their reservation…

“Hey Mateo!” Kuhma exclaimed, kicking the bed.