“Glad we had this talk,” Mateo said with a smile.
Dazi pouted. There was clearly a form of communication the furries shared when they refused to speak like humans. Dazi could understand some of it, but he felt left out and confused enough to be annoyed. He thought about saying as much to Kesi and Kuhma in Shoshoni, until he realized the irony.
“Do you want to come with us?” Mateo asked.
Rosie shook her head. She gestured around her neck.
“You’re collar shopping?”
Rosie batted at her throat.
“Ah, you want one with a bell.”
Rosie nodded.
“I think you’d look good with a bell collar. We’re looking for a set of ears for Dazi here, but if I spot a collar vendor before you do, I’ll find you, okay?”