Tuku’isa’s wolf was the first to face Mateo again, and Tuku’isa soon followed. “You have a strong hold on your people,” he said. “I do not believe you could be stronger than us, though. A jaguar’s nature may be secrecy and deceit, but you are human as well. We see you are telling the truth. We have decided to trust you.”
“Good, because there’s something I must ask of you.” With a flick of his wrist, Mateo cast the oath chain back into the mist surrounding him. Its part was done. “Lift Dazi’s exile.”
“Because if I can be trusted, then Dazi did nothing wrong.”
Tuku’isa frowned. “The laws are clear. Simply because you can be trusted with our secrets doesn’t mean we can allow anyone to tell them to people they think are trustworthy. An example must be made of him.”