Chapter 12

John tried to put some space between them. “I have terrible morning breath.”

Mason smirked. “Me, too. We can have bad breath together. Kiss me.”

He gave Mason a quick peck on the mouth, and then pushed away more firmly. “Seriously. Let me brush my teeth and then I’ll cook you breakfast.”

“Fine, fine.” Mason waved at him. “Have you got a toothbrush for me? Or do you expect me to run across to my place?”

He chuckled. “Actually, surprisingly, I do have a spare. Several in fact.”

“Got that many lovers staying over?”

“Hardly. My sister sends me several for stocking stuffers every Christmas. Be right back.”

* * * *

“These are the best breakfast potatoes I’ve ever eaten,” Mason announced to him a short while later after John had gone into the kitchen to fix breakfast. He’d set a plate of eggs, potatoes, and bacon in front of Mason a few minutes ago. “If you keep cooking for me I’m going to blow up.”