Chapter 15

“Maybe,” he said softly. He brought his mother’s hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I love you, Ma.”

“I love you, too.”

* * * *

Danny bent and set the lilies on Mabel Sweet’s grave. The grave next to hers was Ralph Sweet’s and next to his was Kent Sweet’s. He’d already set flowers on each of theirs.

He straightened and reached for Jason’s hand. He threaded their fingers together. “Okay?”

“Yeah.” Jason wore dark glasses. He knew it was to hide the red eyes. Jason had cried a lot since his mother’s death.

Mrs. Sweet’s funeral had been yesterday. He’d stayed at Jason’s house last night after all the guests from the service had left. He’d spent the night holding and comforting Jason while he slept.

Danny watched Jason carefully. He seemed to be doing all right, but last night he’d told Danny about his last days with his mother.

“It bothers me, you know?”

Danny squeezed his hand, hearing the bitterness in his voice. “What?”