Chapter 8

“Fine.” She scribbled it down and hurried off.

“Matches made in heaven,” Barnaby murmured.

Darrell kicked the man in the shin. Ignoring the glare from Barnaby, he then turned back to Travis, trying to think of a neutral subject for them all to discuss. He really couldn’t think of anything. He was so bad at small talk. He didn’t like sports, and politics and religion were usually too hot of topics to discuss with people he knew well let alone co-workers.

“What were you talking about when we got here?” Travis asked into the uncomfortable silence


“Tina Turner,” Darrell said quickly, his stomach sinking thinking of Barnaby spilling the beans.

Travis smiled. “I like her music for the most part.”

“Yeah, me, too.”

“What about you, Nathan?” Travis asked.

Nathan look startled. “What?”

“Do you know Tina Turner?”

The man cleared his throat. “She has very nice legs, doesn’t she?”

* * * *