Chapter 11

“So, I thought you weren’t very good at bowling,” Barnaby said as Nathan prepared to bowl his next set. He’d started the game out with a strike and then picked up a spare on the next set.

“Back in high school they offered bowling as one of the choices for PE.” Nathan shrugged. “It seemed slightly more doable for me than basketball. I haven’t really bowled much since then, but I guess I still remember some stuff from the class.”

“Uh-huh. If we’d made a bet, I would have realized I’d been hustled.” He popped a cheese-covered chip in his mouth. “Tell me about your family.”

Nathan smiled. “You aren’t trying to distract me are you, Lassiter?”

He laughed. “Nah, if I was, I’d be doing so with my delectable body not questions.”

The other man turned away to throw the ball. Right down the middle, damn it.Barnaby sighed and noted it on the score sheet.