Chapter 7

“She’s really bad,” Randy said under his breath after a moment.

Win nodded his agreement. “For sure.”

“I’ll bet you’re better than that.”

Those upturned lips twitched. “Maybe.”

The waitress came by with their second drinks. “Either of you want to do the karaoke?”

“What are the songs?” Randy asked.

She handed him a list of songs. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

He slid the list toward Win. “See anything you feel like singing?”

Win groaned and scanned the list. “Really, Randy, I haven’t done more than singing in the shower in a long time.”

“Still, now’s the time, if you want to. There’s hardly anyone here and you can’t be any worse than Marilyn.”

“Thanks. I think.” He stabbed a finger at a song. “I could probably sing this one.”

Randy glanced down and grinned. “‘Friends in Low Places’? Garth Brooks? I thought you wanted to be in a rock band.”

“Yeah.” Win smiled crookedly. “But I’ve sung that one before. In a talent contest once in school. I won.”