Chapter 11

“No one knew. We were very discreet. Everyone just knew we were the best of friends. And because we both loved dancing we spent a lot of time together. When we got to New York, well, you know, I was rejected.”

“And Annie wasn’t.”

“Yes,” she said wistfully. “She was a marvelous dancer and she met the height requirement by several inches. In the end, that’s what came between us. She wanted me to stay with her in New York and I—I was bitterly disappointed and jealous. It changed things between us.”

“I’m sorry, Grandma.”

“I couldn’t get any work there as a dancer. I went back to Oklahoma with my tail between my legs.”

“And you met Grandpa.”

She smiled. “Yes. I loved him. But he would never have understood about my relationship with Annie.”

“I imagine not.” Randy’s family were devout Christians, all of them, and were very strict in their beliefs about what was sinful. If not for his grandmother, he would have no one. “I’m sorry. I had no idea.”