
Chapter 11

“Yes.” Josh tensed, then pumped three quick times, roaring his own release.

While Josh withdrew and got up to discard the condom, Patrick rolled to his side and moved the sheets to slide under them. A moment later Josh joined him in the bed and placed an arm loosely about Patrick’s waist.

After a several minutes of silence, Patrick finally couldn’t stand it. “What was that?”

“It was sex.”

Patrick closed his eyes, trying not to let the simple but true words hurt. Had he actually expected anything else to come out of Josh’s mouth? What else would he say? Making love? Or something like, I couldn’t keep from touching you one more minute?Not in a million years.

It didn’t take long for the sound of heavy breathing and soft snores to drift to him. Part of him wanted to wake Josh and tell him to leave. He didn’t and wouldn’t. But he lay awake long after wondering how many pieces of his heart he could lose and still survive?

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