
Chapter 15

The next several were pictures of Josh’s parents and grandparents and then following those was a picture of himself, Josh, and Eddie from their high school days.

Patrick laughed. Lord, he’d been a dork. Josh had been gorgeous even then. He’d been so hung up on Josh.

Until their one-night stand the summer after high school, Patrick hadn’t thought Josh found him attractive in any way. Then, of course, after sex, the reality had been Josh didn’t mind fucking Patrick so long as there was nothing else to it.

So, really, what was he doing now? He’d asked Josh what this was about just the day before and been told it was just sex.

The last photo was a more recent one. Taken just a few months before Andrew hanged himself. They’d all gone to Las Vegas together and the picture was of Josh, Eddie, Eddie’s wife Kitty, Patrick, and Andrew out in front of the Bellagio Hotel and Casino. Andrew’s arm was around Patrick’s waist and they were all smiling.
