Chapter 3

“God save me from people,” Armand muttered, earning him laughter from his kitchen staff. He took their amusement in stride, then when the laughter died, proceeded to talk with them about their ideas for new menu items. After that, he retired to his office to take care of business only he could handle. An hour later he escaped through the back exit and returned home. 2

While Armand’s life wasn’t dull…“Okay, it’s dull,” he grumbled as he dressed to face yet another in an interminably long line of nights he’d been through in his long afterlife. He was wearing black, his usual dress when he, as he thought of it, went out for dinner. It was still early, just before eight, but he was in no mood to visit the club or his restaurant. Instead, he decided to walk from his house to an area in the opposite direction from downtown, where he sometimes searched for a blood donor.