Chapter 13

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I’ll be damned. He’s actually willing to help. Perhaps not with the robberies. But I might be able to convince him to point out people who deserve my attention that way. Helping the kids who need it? Yeah, we’re going to do that for sure. It’s not going to be easy, since it will all have to be done at night. Lists. We need them, in detail. Then we’ll go from there. He’s a good guy after all, beneath his crusty exterior. And not bad looking either. I wonder…Naw. That’s only our reason for being together in case the cops get too nosy. Still…Tino smiled as he turned the corner onto his street. Who knows what could happen, if we both decide we’re interested. 5

“This is a very nice house,” Armand said after Tino gave him the tour. “A bit too open for my tastes. I like rooms that are rooms, but all in all, not bad. I suppose it’s sort of what I should have expected from you.”

Tino grinned. “Meaning, despite my real age, I’m a kid as heart?”

“I did call you that at one point.”