Chapter 9

After placing the wreath on the patch of cleaned earth, Martin stood up and tried to dust the wet clay from his hands and trouser legs.

Colin approached. “Want to go now?” he asked softly.

Martin nodded; he took Colin’s arm and they slowly made their way to the car park in silence

“You can change your mind, you know, but I think it’d do us both good, change of scenery and all that,” Colin said, starting the car.

“I’m sure the new scenery will be wonderful,” Martin sneered.

The pair had agreed to spend Christmas with Colin’s family in London; it had been Colin’s suggestion. He was at his wit’s end to try and salvage his and Martin’s relationship which had soured since the day in early September when Toby had been killed. Although Martin said he forgave Colin for leaving the gate open, his words weren’t matched by his actions. Martin had retreated into himself, and rarely engaged Colin in meaningful conversation.